Uecker Evening 2022: Online participation possible
The Uecker Evening will take place on November 3rd as a hybrid event: on-site in Schwerin and as an online presentation.
Online participation in the Uecker Evening “Penetrations of Space,” presented by the Günther Uecker Institute (GUI) will also be possible.
All interested parties unable to travel to Schwerin on November 3rd can register for participation via Zoom. The GUI will broadcast the second part of the event, featuring the presentation by current Günther Uecker Research Fellow Dr. Nick Böhnke, beginning at 6 p.m. The Kiel-based art historian will open up a central aspect of Uecker’s oeuvre with his investigation of the formal processes of Uecker’s painterly reliefs from the late 1950s.
Email us at info@guenther-uecker-institut.de and we will be happy to send you the appropriate log-in information.