The 6th Günther Uecker Research Fellowship was awarded by an independent jury of experts to Raha Golestani (Ph.D. candidate in Aesthetic Theory at the Goethe University Frankfurt) and Konstantin Schönfelder […]
In the research year 2023, the GUI will be a guest at the ZERO foundation in Düsseldorf. We look forward to researching together on this year’s theme, “The State of […]
The 6th Günther Uecker Research Fellowship has been announced. Our institute will devote itself in particular during the funding year 2023 to aspects of the performative that are immanent to […]
On November 21st, 2022, the first volume of the GUI’s series of scholarly texts was published by Deutscher Kunstverlag. Under the title “Man’s Inhumanity: Günther Uecker’s Conceptual History Paintings,” art […]
In his research project Penetrations of Space, Nick Böhnke deals with the works of Günther Uecker that are among his earliest pictorial inventions, the Finger Paintings (1956), in the wake of which his “painterly reliefs” were created (1958).
The Uecker Evening will take place on November 3rd as a hybrid event: on-site in Schwerin and as an online presentation.Online participation in the Uecker Evening “Penetrations of Space,” presented […]
In her research project, Katrin Nahidi analyzes one of the 14 works Uecker created for the ifa’s touring exhibition, which developed against the background of the 1992 radical right-wing riots in Rostock-Lichtenhagen, Implement (On Words).
In her research project, Cara Venzke examines the spatial disposition of Günther Uecker’s so-called “structure pictures.” The starting points of her analysis are the “encirclements” or “enclosures” found in the artist’s work.