Heinz Mack, ZERO-Rakete [detail], photo collage for ZERO 3, 1961. ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf
Year in Review 2023
We would like to thank Günther Uecker, Jacob Uecker, and Christine Uecker for a great year of research in 2023; all of our cooperation partners, especially the ZERO foundation and the Lothar Wolleh estate; this year’s scholarship recipients Lydia Askani, Raha Golestani and Konstantin Schönfelder, as well as all our alumni; the many other great scholars and artists who worked with us this year, including Lisa Beißwanger, Klaus Gereon Beuckers, Christine Korte-Beuckers, Nick Böhnke, Paula Kohlmann, Barbara Könches, Antoon Melissen, Georg Winter, and Xiao Xiao; the contributors to our publication series, especially Everett Mason, Johanna Neuburger, and Christine Wölfle, as well as Pablo Schneider from Deutscher Kunstverlag; and all of our many supporters! Under the overarching theme of our 2023 research year, “Artistic Action,” we were able, along with the abovementioned participants, to discuss and expand upon central aspects of Günther Uecker’s work as well as historical and contemporary discourses in art studies, and share our findings with the public. We are looking forward to the coming year, during which we will build on last year’s topics by promoting projects that focus on “Artistic Action” and its interplay with the coming year’s theme, “Environment, Art, and Opposition.” We’re also very excited to be a guest of the Robert Havemann Society in Berlin in 2024 as part of this theme!